VPBC Newsletter – May 2021

Hello everyone

It is good news that restrictions are being relaxed from Monday, 17 May, we get nearer to ‘normality’ every week. For the club, it means that we can allow up to six people in the clubhouse at a time (still wear masks please). Until further notice, you will still be required to book a bowling session using the booking system on the club website.

Round Robins

Our Round Robins are proving to be very popular, weather permitting, and the Tuesday and Saturday events will continue for the remainder of the season. The final Thursday Round Robin will take place on 27 May –  the Ladies Thursday afternoon league restarts on 3 June.


From Thursday 10th June we will be offering weekly group coaching sessions on number 2 green for our new bowlers. This will be from 12 – 2pm – if you are interested please speak to Fred Douglas to book a place.

Club Competitions

Our first competition of the year went extremely well with 32 players competing in a random mixed pairs event. Everything went smoothly, thanks to the organisational skills of Ian Goulding.  I think that we all had a very enjoyable day with plenty of bowling in the round robin format.

The final of the consolation competition saw Gayle Gordon and Mo Ahmady just beating Pat Lough and Simon Tinsley. The main competition final ended with Peter Hartley and Steve Goulding [a late replacement for Irene Kermode] winning against Dave Williams and Ian Goulding (a family affair).

Our next competition will be held on 6 June which will again be a mixed pairs event. A sign- up sheet will be in the clubhouse next week.

League Bowling

Some of our leagues have already started with some really good results in the Maghull mini league and the Parks B – all the other leagues should be up and running by June which will be lovely.

Southport Bowling Festival

The club is expecting to host the first two days of a bowling festival being run in Southport from 21-25 June. It is an open competition and our members are invited to enter any of the competitions or to come along and spectate.

Open Competitions

As you are aware, there will be no Southport Flower Show this year; we are however going to run the open pairs and open singles competitions as normal. Please come along and enjoy 2 days of excellent bowling in [hopefully] lovely sunshine on 21 and 22 August. We will need people to mark scorecards and measure (peg), and also to help with food and drinks – I will be chasing volunteers closer to the event – you have been warned.

Thursday afternoon bowling?

I would like to appeal to all our lady bowlers…. we are very short of players for our Thursday afternoon team – anyone who might be interested please let me know.

Car Parking

Alan Adams. the Victoria Park manager has asked that we continue to park on the South paddock only until further notice as a safety measure when the park is very busy over the summer period – thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Park Closures

The park will be completely closed when staging events on Friday, 25 June to Sunday 27 June inclusive, and also on Friday, 2 July and Saturday, 3 July.


Finally, I would like to thank all of our members who have made their £20 donation to club funds. It is very much appreciated, and it will help with the ongoing cost of maintaining two excellent greens.

If anyone would still like to make a donation our account is at Lloyds Bank

Account Name: Victoria Park Bowling Club

Sort code 30-97-88

Account number 34056760

Use your name as reference please.


Oh, I forgot to mention I am allowed to hug people from next week so you had all better run for the hills.

Susan Mountford


1 Reply to "VPBC Newsletter - May 2021"

  • comment-avatar
    kenneth girling
    09/07/2021 (4:35 pm)

    Thanks Fred for your excellent coaching skills last Thursday. Although I am a bit limited in how much I can do at any one session I did manage an hours tuition. I now intend to register for membership and look forward to joining everyone and to meet new friends.

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