AGM Minutes 2018
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Victoria Park Bowling Club held on 24th February 2018 at the Emmanuel Church Hall, Southport
Preliminary: Prior to commencement of the meeting a presentation was made by the Club President to the team involved in the restoration of the clubhouse.
David Spratt gave a short speech regarding the clubhouse.
In the Chair: Ted Morrell
Secretary: Andy Muchall
Treasurer: Bryan Singleton
1. In Memoriam: Members and friends of the club
One minutes’ silence was observed
2. Apologies for absence
C. Prodger, S. Davies, J. Hobson, M Smith, D Caunce, P Smith, L. Smith
3. Approve the Minutes of the AGM on 18th Feb 2017
Minutes were accepted and approved
4. Matters Arising
5. Secretary’s Annual Report (as recorded in official documents of AGM)
This was delivered and approved without comment
6. Treasurer’s Report and the Financial Statements for 2017 (recorded in the official documents of the club)
The Treasurer noted contributions totaling £7250 towards the clubhouse refurbishment. He stressed the importance to club funds of Southport Flower Show and requested the support of the membership. A sum of £2500 is available to complete the refurbishment.
Treasurer’s Report was approved Proposed: D. Pilkington Seconded: D. Edwards
7. Election of the Officers, Committee and Auditors for 2018
B. Singleton stood down as Treasurer
Officers elected: Chairman T. Morrell, Secretary A. Muchall, Treasurer D. Spratt.
Committee elected: S. Davies, D. Mountford, S. Mountford, B. Singleton, D Spratt, B. Barwise, D. Miles, A Williams, J. Morgan
Permission was granted by affirmation to find a new auditor of the club accounts.
Appreciation of the work of those members standing down as officer (B. Singleton) and Committee Member (D. Pilkington, R. Simpson) was made.
The new committee will meet on March 5th.
8. Chairman’s Statement for 2018 (as recorded in the official documents of the Club)
Particular note was made of:-
a) The replacement of two team captains and the new Ladies’ Team
b) Thanks given to J. Muchall (refreshments) and M. and J. Eustace ( SFS organisation)
c) The new barrier
d) The need to rest Green2
e) Events: April 2nd: Easter Greens Open, 12th May Charity Events in aid of Dogs For Good.
f) Coaching
g) Football card fundraiser cards will be sold by captains at all home matches
9. Any Other Business
a) Discussion on Greens Drainage
b) R. Simpson commended for efforts on Green 2
c) D. Layne: noted the contribution to the refurbishment made by Bedford Park Bowling Club. Also noted that social bowlers should become involved in league teams.
d) Question on the terms and conditions of our lease: no change
e) Question on parking arrangements in Paddock.
10. Football Card Fundraiser Result was drawn and distributed to winners
11. Meeting Closed: 2:25 p.m.
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