I was pleased to see 67 members at Emmanuel Church Hall on Saturday 24 February . This year it is possible to watch a video of the AGM – just click https://vimeo.com/257300720  and enter the password vpbc1899. (The number members should use  to open the security barrier at Victoria Park is also 1899).
Thanks to Dave Gordon.
Just 10 key points
  1. The 2018 Committee will be DI Banahan, Sue Davies, Sue Mountford, Burt Barwise, John Morgan, David Miles, Bryan Singleton, David Spratt (now treasurer), Andy Muchall still Secretary) and Ted Morrell (me- Chairman). This meets for the first time on Monday 5 March. The Treasurer’s and Secretary’s Reports were read and approved.
  2. The £45 subscription, unchanged for 4 years, is now due: please send a cheque payable to VPBC to Mrs Di Banahan, 39 Belmont St Southport PR8 1LY as soon as you can.
  3. This year tea & biscuit will cost 50p and buy Football scratch cards at home matches and social occasions. These will help meet expenses.
  4. We discussed problem of drainage on second green and our hope to secure a grant to undertake work to ensure green is playable and in better condition. This is dependent upon a 5 year lease which we are now negotiating with the Southport Flower Show Organisation.
  5. Any member wanting to play in a Ladies or Mens team this year please contact me ASAP. A few more players of all abilities are need.
  6. We are planning to have a busy programme of social bowling this year.
  7. These will all be well publicised by email, Newsletter and will feature on the website.
  8. The ever popular Tuesday Round Robins recommence on main green on Tuesday 20 March. Please turn up no later than 1PM. These are good, social bowling occasions for members of all abilities. They are also great times to bring along friends who might like to start bowling. Our £30 new member offer is really great value and we do need new members.
  9. We are finalising Spring and Summer plans which we will publicise shortly. We had a good reaction on the coaching front. An announcement will follow.The League Fixtures are being posted on to the website as announced. Please use http://victoriabowlingclubsouthport.com regularly.
  10. Please can I invite suggestions, volunteering offers and questions from you all.
Ted Morrell
Chairman VPBC


  • comment-avatar
    11/12/2020 (1:50 pm)

    Too all members old and new.wishing you all a merry Christmas and prosperity new year. Too all are volunteers who have worked hard,i personally thank you all.

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