VP Ladies A team (Thursday afternoons) update
Ladies afternoon league.
The first match of the season, brought forward by 2 weeks, was between the ladies “A” and the new “B” team.
Although the results do not show the amount of good bowling which took place that afternoon, particularly by the new team, the final result was a win by 7 games to 1 for the A team.
It was unfortunate for the B team that their first match was playing the other Victoria Park Team which were relegated last year, and which are probably one of the stronger teams in the league; but it fortunate in so far as many of the players had competed against each other and were comfortable playing.
On this performance the ladies “B” team will do very well during the season.
We are very short of players in both teams and if any ladies would like to join either of the teams please contact myself Sue Davies; Captain “A” team–or Diane Banahan – Captain “B” team.
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