Newsletter April 2019
Spring has arrived, and the summer is not far behind; bowling is now well and truly up and running.
Round Robins
The Tuesday and Saturday Club Round Robins have started – if you are attending, please arrive by 1.15 for a prompt 1.30 start. Please note that Round Robins will not take place when there are club competitions or other special events. Refer to the Social Events Calendar for details.
League Bowling
Our 14 team squads are virtually finalised, and most league teams have played their first fixture. Please refer to the Bowling Calendar on the club website for fixtures and please do come and support the teams even if you are not playing.
The Greens Team have worked hard over the Winter, with very pleasing results. Number I green looks splendid and number 2 is not far behind and will be fully open shortly.
Greens maintenance is now entirely carried out exclusively by club members. We urgently need volunteers to come along on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday mornings at 10.30 to swish etc so grass can be cut efficiently. Please contact Paul Crummey on 07816.287273 to join the rota.
The Treasurer is pleased to report that nearly all members have paid their £50 annual subscription – if you haven’t renewed your membership yet, please do so quickly.
We are delighted to report 10 very recent new members and hope for quite a few more in the coming weeks. The £35 new member offer from now to 31 March 2020 is excellent value for money. Do you have friends or family who could be interested in joining?
Coaching lessons are going to be arranged in May & June. To book a session please contact Sue Mountford on 07805.085291 to arrange.
Bowl for Health
The 2018 Bowl for Health sessions were very popular. This year’s sessions are on 6 successive Saturday mornings from 10am to 12 noon. Please invite non-bowlers you know to come along.
Social Events & Competitions
Various special events have been planned, which can be viewed on the Social events page. Sign-up sheets are on the Pavilion Noticeboard.
The first event is the club’s Bottomley Cup competition, which will be a Random Pairs event on Saturday, 20 April. Please sign up in Pavilion quickly if you are interested. Lunch can be ordered. Please contact Andy or Judy Muchall on 07703.493957.
Future events include (4 May) Flat v Crown, (18 May) Charity Match for British Heart Foundation, (6 July) friendly match at Crossens BC.
The May 2019 Newsletter will include news about the special arrangements for bowling at the Southport Flower Show this year on Thursday 15, Friday 16, Saturday 17 & Sunday 18th August.
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