The Annual General Meeting: …

…was held as advertised and well-attended. The AGM minutes will be posted in the Pavilion when the secretary returns from a short break after 25th March. If you require a copy by e-mail please request a copy from vpbcbowling@gmail.com

A List of the new Club Officers and new committee will also be posted at this time.

Plans to improve the kitchen area in the Pavilion are proceeding: No decision yet.

Plans to control spending on number 2 green are in place

From the Treasurer:

1) Treasurer Bryan Singleton will be at the Charity Match on 25th March to receive subscriptions and give out membership cards (which allow parking)

2) If you are sending your subscription by post or are a new member paying your subscription by post Bryan requires a STAMPED addressed envelope!

Club Competitions: New Rules!

1) No practice on the Main Green by competitors before any competition begins.

2) No members not involved in any competition allowed on Main Green on competition days until competition has ended.

3) No social bowling allowed on Main Green during a competition.

4) Any practice/Social Bowling must be on the second green before/during a competition.

5) HANDICAPS. With the aim of encouraging a good number of entrants we will apply following handicaps. A team players will have a handicap of – 4: B team players -2: Ladies team -1: Social bowlers scratch: Absolute beginners +2.

6) A sign-up sheet will be put on club noticeboard and on website (allowing online entering).

7. The draw will be made on the day at 12.15 and games start at 12.45.
No play on match green will be permitted before play.
(Any member not in the competition and wanting to bowl socially must use the second green).

8. Each player to pay £1 (including tea/ biscuits) to be paid before play starts. A cup will awarded to the winner after play. Ideally someone will take pictures for the website.

9. SATURDAY 29 APRIL hosts Ted Morrell & Burt Barwise

SATURDAY 27 MAY hosts Ralph Simpson & A N Other

SATURDAY 24 JUNE hosts Derek Sale & Dave Pilkington

SATURDAY 29 JULY hosts David Miles & Ralph Simpson. No competition because of Southport Flower Show which this year will be on Thursday 17 – Sunday 20 August. Mark & Jayne Eustace are again running open competitions.

10 SATURDAY 2 SEPTEMBER hosts Ted & Doreen Morrell
At Lever Club, Port Sunlight

11. Ladies Competition: to be arranged

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