VPBC Newsletter – March 2021

Hi everyone,

The BCGBA (British Crown Green Bowling Association) have today published their ‘Return to Play Guidance’ document. The government’s roadmap to ease lockdown restrictions in England consists of four steps, and Crown Green bowling as an outdoor sport may resume from Monday 29th March (Step 1).

In response, we are planning to open Green #2 on Sunday, 4 April.  Following BCGBA guidance, social bowling will be limited to six people on the green at any one time, and sessions need to be booked via our online booking system which will be made available nearer the time.

Green #1 has been re-seeded, and therefore will not be ready to open until Saturday, 10 April. It is very important that no-one walks on Green 1 until that date. If arrangements change with regards to opening dates, or numbers allowed on the green I will update you ASAP.

Can I please ask everyone who drives onto the park to keep to the speed limit and to only park in our car park when available, or the paddock when it is not, without causing any obstruction. Please display your 2020 membership cards this year; SFS (Southport Flower Show) staff have been informed of this.

On a more sombre note, Ray Hustings a popular and valued member of our greens team passed away last week. As you are all aware, numbers allowed to attend the funeral are very limited, however it is possible to attend via video link (see attached document for joining instructions). I am sure you will all join me in offering our sincere condolences to his family.

The club’s updated COVID guidelines are now available by clicking here.  The guidelines must be adhered to if we are to remain open. I really hope that we will be able to resume our Round robins and club competitions very soon, and I look forward to seeing you all in person. Meanwhile I will keep you informed of any developments.

Kind Regards

Susan Mountford


1 Reply to "VPBC Newsletter - March 2021"

  • comment-avatar
    Susan Mountford
    01/04/2021 (12:11 pm)

    Hi everyone unfortunately the details of Ray Hustings funeral were missed from the link the ID is 87676 password edwxvuna you will need this to join.

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