VPBC Newsletter February 2018
Dear VPBC member,
The first signs of spring are starting to appear and the bowling season is approaching once again.
The greens were verti-drained (spiked with long tines) today, and we hope to reopen No 1 Green on Tuesday 20th March with the resumption of our ever popular Tuesday Round Robins. Please turn up by 1.00pm for registration.
Due to it’s very saturated condition, regrettably No.2 green has to remain closed at present. We hope it will be ready for play by Easter.
This year, both greens are being cut by a contractor but we still need a few volunteers to help occasionally on the greens and surrounds maintenance. Please can volunteers respond to this email or tell me at the AGM.
I’d like to remind you that the AGM is this Saturday at Emmanuel Church Hall, Cambridge Road at 1.30pm. Come along from 12.45pm for a tea/coffee and have a chat with old friends. The AGM agenda is attached.
At the AGM, you will be able to pay your £45 membership fee. Diane Banahan is our new Membership Secretary and will have a table where you can pay and collect your membership card. If you cannot attend the AGM, please post your cheque with a stamped self-addressed envelope to Mrs D Banahan, 39 Belmont St, Southport, PR8 1LY.
You will also have opportunity to sign up for the 3 Ladies league teams and 7 Men’s league teams. Note: The Tuesday evening and both Wednesday afternoon teams now allow ladies to sign for them – potentially our first Mixed league teams.
We are all looking forward to a great year with two excellent greens, a transformed pavilion, an exciting social programme and the ten league teams. The transformation of the toilets is in progress and I am sure you will be delighted with their appearance and facilities. The plans for our SPECIAL EASTER MONDAY SEASON OPENER will be announced at the AGM.
Please encourage your friends to join us! A membership application form is attached. At only £30, For new members,it’s great value.
Cheers. Ted Morrell – Chair VPBC
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