VPBC Newsletter October 2016

EVENTS :October 8th SATURDAY 1:00 for 1:30: CLUB PARTY to celebrate the opening of the number 2 green, with play on the Main Green and No 2 Green, plus food and prizes.

EVENTS: October 22nd : AWARDS NIGHT with AWARDS, QUIZ and HOTPOT SUPPER. Tickets are £10 from Di Banahan (542605) and Andy Muchall (874458) at the Talbot Hotel (7:00 for 7:30) for all members, social members and friends/family.

NEWS: The club is looking at drawing up plans for improvements to the Clubhouse with a better kitchen and seating area.

NEWS: Congratulations to the Vets A team on their promotion.

NEWS The annual Flat versus Crown match saw 36 competitors battle at VPBC with our team proving victorious and regaining the trophy.

THE MANAGEMENT 1: Number 2 green is available from 8th October BUT only to VPBC members, only when not frosty/raining/wet, ONLY IF SWISHED BEFORE USE, only on Tuesdays Thursdays Saturdays and Sundays.

THE MANAGEMENT 2: Ralph urgently needs help with the No 2 green care and cutting. Volunteers welcomed. Make yourself known!

2017 Date: AGM Saturday 18th February Emmanuel Church Hall

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