VPBC Newsletter 31st July 2016

THE MAIN GREEN IS NOW IN GREAT CONDITION AND THE SECOND GREEN IS LOOKING MUCH BETTER.  This means that we will be able to bowl in some of the Winter months.This year’s Club Championship was won by Burt Barwise who beat Ian Goulding in the final. CONGRATULATIONS.The annual Friendly Match v Crossens BC was held on Saturday 23 July at CBC. They are wonderful hosts, fed us well but again beat the VPBC team. We must try harder when we host them at VP next year.

The annual SOUTHPORT FLOWER SHOW takes place from Thursday 18th to Sunday 21 August. As usual, the park is now closed to public and will re-open at the end of August.
The club has 4 busy days of bowling planned on these days  We have a few places left for Thursday AM & PM Round Robins.  Please sign up quickly at clubhouse or email Morrell.ted@gmail.com
I would also like to hear ASAP from ladies and gentlemen members willing to become volunteers to help with various tasks on these 4 days.UPCOMING DATES TO NOTE
1. Saturday 27 August – our first ever BBQ & Bowl. Starting at 3PM. Cost £5, tickets available from Social Committee (Janice Hobson, Di Banaham or Ralph Simpson).
NB Friends & family very welcome.
2. Saturday 3 September is our 4th Match v our flat green neighbours. Sign up sheet in clubhouse. Their team will include Stephen & Ian Goulding & Fred Douglas, so we will need to be on form to get the cup back.
3. Sunday 11 September is our Annual Club Away Day for Garth Harrison Trophy…..again to the Lever Club Port Sunlight. Sign up sheet in Pavilion.WE STILL WELCOME NEW MEMBERS.
Latest offer £30 for membership from August to March 2018. This is great value for new members. Do invited folk who might be interested.

If you are interested please let me know ASAP.

Club website www.victoriabowlingclubsouthport.com
Our new webmaster David Gordon has made an impressive start. Do have a look at it. This is a prime place to look for news, events, information and pictures. David invites questions, welcomes suggestions and requests – contact him on davidgordon@hotmail.co.uk

Cheers & Good Bowling

Ted Morrell
Chairman   Morrell.ted@gmail.com

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