VPBC – COVID Regulations
VPBC – SPECIAL COVID REGULATIONS – BCGBA Phase 2a Effective 24 July 2020
These Special Club Regulations are based on the BCGBA guidelines issued on 10 July. These Regulations have been written to allow use of the bowling greens and pavilion whilst minimising the risks of the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
Reminder – Club Regulation 1. All members have a duty of care to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of themselves, fellow members, visitors and the public.
Supplementary 2020 Regulations
1. If a member has any signs of Covid symptoms, the member must self-isolate and not return to the Club for at least 7 days, subject to the outcome of their COVID test..
2. All members must observe the HMG social distancing requirement of 2 metres and must try to avoid touching surfaces used by other people
3. Only VPBC 2020 members, prospective members and booked groups can play on the greens. Membership Cards must be brought to the Club and be available for checks by the Club Committee and Victoria Park staff.
4. Prospective members can apply for a trial session to a Club Coach via the website ‘Contact Us’ page. The Coach will book his/her trial session time on the Booking System and record his/her name and contact phone number in the Visitors Book. After the trial session, the prospective member can apply for membership to the Treasurer.
5. A BCGBA member visiting the area with their own bowls may join the Club for one week by completing a membership application form, submitting it to the Treasurer and paying the weekly fee of £15 per person. The Treasurer, if satisfied with the application, will issue the applicant with a weekly Membership Card and the applicant can then book bowling sessions online as a 2020 member.
6. A maximum of 4 jacks on each green is permitted. No more than 30 people in total (players and spectators) are allowed on and around the greens at any one time. Bowlers must keep to the 2 metres distancing rule whilst playing. A Club Coach can have up to three trainees. Each group of bowlers must maintain a distance from other groups of at least 4 metres.
7. Bowling can be booked for 1 hour sessions via the Bookings page on the Club website. Members must not play on the greens without first booking their session. The Booking System retains a record of bookings in case it is needed by NHS Track and Trace.
8. Players must bring their own hand sanitiser and bowls equipment. Jacks, mats and player’s hands must be sanitised before and after play.
9. Only two people are permitted in the Pavilion to access the toilets and they must keep to the 2m distancing rule. Hand sanitiser, antibacterial wipes and paper towels are available for users. Members must sanitise all contact surfaces before and after use.
10. For special bowling Events, each Event organiser must block book their session times with the Bookings Co-ordinator and record their participants in the Club Track and Trace Register held in the Pavilion. The Club will provide the jacks and mats and these must be sanitised before and after each game. Hand sanitiser will be available for participants..
Stay Alert… Stay distanced… Stay safe.
Issued by the Club Committee