VPBC Newsletter – April 2021

Hi everyone

I hope you are all well and looking forward to bowling. The good news is that the light at the end of the tunnel just got a bit brighter. We have received new guidelines from the BCGBA ,and we are now able to restart our ‘round robins’ and club competitions.

Round Robin

The first ‘round robin’ will be on Tuesday 20th April sign up at 1.45 – please don’t arrive early as this impacts on the people bowling in the preceding booked session.

Pairs competition

Our first competition will be on 2nd May; this is a randomly drawn pairs competition; a sign-up sheet will be available in the pavilion, or contact myself or Ian Goulding to book a place. We are limited to 32 players for this competition.

COVID Regulations

We of course must obey current COVID regulations (see attached PDF document) at all times. It is everyone’s responsibility to keep each other safe. When attending a booked bowling session please DO NOT go on the green until your allocated time, and DO vacate the green promptly when your session ends – this will ensure that we keep to safe numbers on the green.

Flower Show

As most of you will already know there will be no Flower show this year, but we will be trying to organise an event for the now vacant weekend (Aug 21/22) – I will keep you updated.

Car Parking

There will be caravans on the park frequently over the next few months as the park management try to secure another source of income in order to maintain the park. From the 14th April until 10th May could members please park on the South paddock which is on the right as you come through the barrier – I will let you know of any future car parking restrictions.

Bowls for Sale

There is a list of bowls for sale on the notice board and we are interested in obtaining some more if anyone has surplus equipment, we really need sizes 2.0 2.2 2.4 and 2.6 – we are ok for the larger sizes. Please speak to myself or Dave Spratt if you are interested.

Green No.1

Our number 1 green will be open from Monday 19th April.

Do you want to play for a team?

Our Wednesday afternoon vets teams need a few more players so if you are interested please contact either John Ashcroft (07791 303386) or Pete Banahan (07940 803716)

The Friday night team also has a few places contact John Townsend (07922 096976)

Message of Thanks

The previous chairman Ted Morrell has asked me to pass on this message:

‘I wish to thank VPBC for the much appreciated gifts upon my “ retirement” [thanks too from Doreen for the lovely flowers] and especially for the various warm messages from individual members.’ Ted.

Kind Regards

Susan Mountford

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