VPBC Newsletter – August 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic certainly makes our lives very different. At VPBC, we are carefully following HMG and BGCBA advice. We are now gradually increasing social and competitive bowling. All activities of course carry some risk, so necessary precautions are being taken, and social distancing continues to be strongly emphasised. Please take time to read the updated special COVID Regulations document.

Bowling session bookings

Members are still required to book bowling sessions online.  The maximum number of blocks has increased from three to four, with a maximum of 14 players allowed per green. This capacity increase makes pairs games possible in addition to singles games.

Round Robins

Due to popular demand, Round Robins are now scheduled (weather permitting) every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday. Please arrive promptly by 1.40pm. A maximum number of 28 players can play in each RR. John Sawyer and David Spratt will be delighted to welcome you.

Internal Club Team Matches

The cancellation of all Bowling Leagues has meant none of our 15 teams has played a competitive match this year. To fill this gap we are starting a few internal club matches. Details of arranged fixtures are available on the VPBC Calendar.

Club Competition

The first 2020 Club Competition (The Victoria Park Mixed Pairs cup) takes place on Sunday, 9 August. Ring or text Sue Mountford quickly on 07805085291 to reserve one of only 24 places available. Competitors must arrive no later than 11am. Cost £2pp to include a hot or cold drink (bring your own food), and small prizes. This will be a randomly drawn mixed pairs, a fair format suitable for all members.

New Members

New members at VPBC are always very welcome. The £35 pp offer is attractive as it now gives membership until 31 March 2022. So far, 18 have joined this year; we hope they enjoy bowling and settle in quickly.

Free Coaching

Free coaching from BCGBA qualified coaches is available for new and existing members alike; a fantastic membership benefit that will improve your game.


This VPBC committee now meets virtually using ‘Zoom’.  Our next meeting is on Monday, 10 August. We welcome Carole Wilson, Irene Kermode, Denise Harvey and Ian Goulding as co-opted members. We are back up to a full complement of thirteen, with five females now, which reflects our overall membership mix nicely.

Our new committee members join our existing membership:

Ted Morrell, Dave Spratt, Dave Woodall, Bryan Singleton, Paul Crummey, Norman Barker, Sue Mountford, Gayle Gordon, Noreen Lewis.

Car Parking

 We must park only in our car park or on the grassed paddock. We must NOT park on the paved, or turning area. Please also remember to adhere to the 5mph speed limit, which is in place to protect us all, but especially the young children enjoying the park.


Ted Morrell


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