Newsflash 03/03/19
To all VPBC members,
77 members attended the VPBC AGM on Saturday 2 March at Emmanuel Church – a very good number indeed..
The 2019 Committee was elected – Di Banahan, Sue Mountford, Noreen Lewis, Lynne Lancaster, John Morgan, Bryan Singleton, Paul Crummey, John Ashcroft, Paul Lancaster plus the Officers – Andy Muchall (Secretary), Dave Spratt (Treasurer) and Ted Morrell (Chairman). The first Committee meeting will be on Monday 4 March at 10.30am.
The role of the sub committees was explained. The Social Sub Committee will be chaired by Noreen Lewis and the Competitions Sub Committee will be chaired by Andy Muchall.
Tickets for the Pre-Season Party at the Talbot Hotel on 30 March are available at £12 each. Ring Di or Pete on 01704 542605 for one.
It was agreed that the subscription, after 5 years at £45, be increased by £5 to £50 The new member subscription will be £35. Please see footnote on how to pay.
Dave Spratt gave his Greens Report and he now stands down as “Greens Officer”. Paul Crummey will be Greenkeeper in charge of number 1 green, Ray Hustings and Tony Fitzsimmons will be Greenkeepers in charge of number 2. The need for volunteers to support the activity was emphasized.
The team members for our 14 VPBC teams are now almost finalised. Matches start in April.
Round Robins will be held every Tuesday and Saturday starting on 2 April. Informal Sunday Social Bowling will start on 7 April. Andy Muchall will announce Competition and Ladder Competition plans shortly.
I awarded engraved club ‘thank you’ pens to Di Banahan, Judy Muchall, Sue Mountford, Mark & Jayne Eustace, Noreen Lewis, John Sawyer, Paul Crummey, Ray Hustings and Tony Fitzsimmons for their extraordinary work as volunteers.
I then emphasised my aim (a) to continue to be a friendly, welcoming club (b) offer good social bowling (c) provide 6 Saturday morning Bowl for Health sessions starting on 11 May. (d) offer bowls coaching to members with the aid of 7 members who are enrolled on a CoachBowls training course.
The year 2020 will be the club’s CENTENARY YEAR. I invited ideas to celebrate this anniversary.
I announced that number 1 Green will open for play on Wednesday 13 March, weather permitting, with number 2 ready sometime in April. It is necessary for “gentle use” for the first few weeks so that the greens remain in as good condition as possible throughout the Summer. Team Captains are asked to arrange team practice from 4pm. Members are encouraged to play earlier in the day. NB ALL PLAY IS SUBJECT TO WEATHER CONDITIONS AND GREENS TEAM ADVICE.
Your £50 membership subscription can be paid by bank transfer to Lloyd’s Bank – sort code 30-97-88 account number 34056760. Put the name that you are known by as the Reference.
Or by cheque payable to Victoria Park Bowling Club by post with a SAE to Di Banahan, 39 Belmont St Southport PR8 1LY or by posting it in the club reception letterbox. Please put your name on the back of the cheque.
This year, your Membership Card and Parking Pass MUST be displayed on your car dashboard to show to the SFS that you are an authorised user when in the club car park.
Best wishes…..Ted Morrell – Chairman
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