Newsflash 04/02/19

The Club AGM is on Saturday 2 March at 10.30am at Emmanuel Church, Cambridge Road. This an important occasion when members receive the Officers 2018 Reports, appoint the 2019 Committee and hear about our plans for 2019. The Agenda and the Minutes of the last meeting are below.

Previous Minutes

Please arrive from 10.00am for a prompt 10.30 start. This will give you time to have a tea or coffee, pay your subscriptions and perhaps sign up for a team. You will also be able to order VPBC team shirts, caps or fleeces.

Please note in particular the need for the meeting to appoint members to the 2019 Committee. We do need members with ‘fresh ideas’. Please contact me for a chat if you would like to know more.

I also invite in advance your Questions that you wish to ask at the AGM. I’ll try to ensure your question is answered at the appropriate point in the agenda.

We have had a record number of new members in 2018. New members are especially welcome to come to attend. You will get to know much more about the Club and how you can enjoy bowling. We are truly a friendly Club – you will always be warmly welcomed.

The Greens Team have been very busy working hard during the winter. The widened and lined gutters look great. However much remains to be done before the greens reopen. We propose to fully maintain our two greens on a DIY basis in 2019. This is a financial imperative but is only feasible if Club members are committed and involved in the work required.

The Greens Team need regular support throughout the season and a band of volunteers that they can call on. No heavy labour or technical expertise is required. Please speak to David Spratt or Paul Crummey if you can offer your occasional support.

At the AGM, we will give you an update on when the greens are likely to re-open this year. It is all weather dependent – We need some warm weather to get the grass growing before play commences. The grass seed spread last October has only just started to show through. We are planning an official season re-opening event on Saturday 30 March.

The membership fee remains at £45 for the 5th consecutive year but I would be grateful if would you add a £5 donation to top it up to £50 to cover the cost of a Club defibrillator for emergency use. This is a very important item for us all.

We are a friendly bowling club with an active Social Committee. Social events are open to all members and will be announced in a VPBC News-mail, the website and advertised on the pavilion noticeboard. Please see the notice board and website for details of the 10 pin bowling session on Thursday evening 28 February and our Party night at The Talbot Hotel on Saturday 30 March.
I look forward to seeing you all at the AGM and to the start of a great season of bowling.

Ted Morrell

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