A new year Celebration to mark the 2018 opening of the Pavilion and No.2 green

Dear VPBC member,

A happy new year to all. The 2018 season will open with a truly unique event!

I am delighted to invite you to come and celebrate the formal opening of our ‘transformed’ Pavilion and the No.2 green, a great start to 2018.

The pavilion transformation is nearing completion and it will provide all members and visitors with much better facilities. You will be truly amazed at the outcome.

In order for as many members as possible to attend, we are having two opening celebrations and both will be followed by a Round Robin on No.2 green, weather permitting, for those who wish to play.

Soup and snacks are planned at 1.00pm on both Tuesday, 9th Jan and Saturday, 13th Jan.

In order to help with the catering, please let me know by 6th January if you are coming to the event on 9th January ….. Please Email me at morrell.ted@gmail.com

We look forward to seeing you.

Ted Morrell – Chair VPBC

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